So exhausted he slept until noon on his first day home!
Checking out the roller coaster
Brady couldn't wait to have him try the bow
Meeting the bunny
Hot dogs are a Cooper favorite
He loves going for walks
Having family visit
Helping sis with chores
Going to the movies
Coop loves church and helps lead the music in sharing time every week
He also loves his hand-me-down cowboy boots even though they are too big
Still has a few Chinese habits we need to kick, like this and burping.
He adores music
These two!
These three!
These four!!
Loves his Dad!
Loves being outside
Loves his sis!
Is already looking forward to starting preschool this fall
Such an entertainer!
Loves Uncle Ry!
Nash will do almost anything for his little brother
Coop and Cohen
Trouble makers!
Four wheelin' fun!
Cleaning up messes isn't as fun as making them!
Haircut time
Coop was quite happy to learn that families can be together forever!
Everyone who has joined the Murray family in the last 12 months
Loves his Aunt Jo!
Not so sure about swimming
Still loves the boots!
Has a great sense of fashion
Bathing with brothers is never boring
No mom, we weren't in your lipstick! Why do you ask?!
Vacationing with friends
Fishing, of course
Yellowstone National Park
Loving all the attention!
Getting good at this family picture business
Waiting for Old Faithful
Homework time!
Who needs clothes when its hot outside?
Loves watermelon
More family visits
Family vacation to NYC
Chillin' in Time Square
Yankees Game
Riding the subway
Freedom tower
Found that he does love swimming in the kiddy pool
Statue of Liberty
Nova Scotia
So great to be a brother and have brothers!
Making friends
Warming up to swimming
Celebrating the 4th of July
Cooper has jumped on the band wagon, his favorite parent is Brady
It wasn't us
Mrs. Cutler
Red Butte Gardens with Aunt Cynde
Decker teaching Coop how to get a drink in the barn.
Cooper wouldn't have anything to do with the horses.
Collecting candy at the parade at G&G Murray's in Preston
Watching the rides at the carnival, next year he might want to ride.
Grandma's Book Nook
Water balloon fight
Piñata time
Can't get enough of cute Emmy
Camping out in the backyard is so fun except when your parents forget to turn off the sprinklers!
He's lost 4 lbs since he's been home but not because he doesn't eat. He actually has a great appetite and has adjusted well to the food. He'll eat almost anything, except cereal with milk.
He is much a more active than he was at first.
He has more endurance and doesn't sweat as profusely as he used to.
Communication has been great.
We feel like he was blessed to be able to understand English very quickly.
In the beginning he would used a lot of Chinese words.
In fact Mason and Ridge now ask for a drink in Chinese,
but Cooper rarely says Chinese words anymore.
His expressive personality and body language have made it easy
to understand what he wants and needs.
He tries to say things in English and it is getting easier to understand some things.
I think it safe to say Cooper is having the summer of his life!
So are the rest of us! We are so glad he is here!